Financial Incentives for Motivating Employees

Studies conducted by researchers in which attempts were made to analyze how powerful financial incentives were in motivating employees. Output was used as a method to assess the overall effect of financial incentives on an employee in various organizational setting. After conducting the research the results showed that with the aid of financial incentives employees can be motivated to perform to the best of their abilities and in turn contribute to the overall increase in the productivity of the organization. Another researcher assessed the differences between different motivational factors and organizational commitment levels that were displayed by the employees in light of such motivational factors. Studies conducted to assess financial and non-financial incentives that motivated workers to perform their best.

The study made use of a semi-structured and qualitative interview in which various health workers from various positions were interviewed. The workers were selected using a layered sampling process and a total of 99 interviews were conducted.

The analysis suggested that these professionals were less motivated by financial rewards and were more motivated by their own professional conscience.

The study also suggested that a large number of these health workers were de-motivated precisely because they were unable to fulfill their own personal conscience.

Financial Incentives for Motivating Employees

The study provided an insight on how important non-financial incentives can be regarding motivation within employees. Understanding the importance would enable them to come up with management policies and procedures that would help motivate employees.

The motivation would then encourage the employees to work harder and better in order to achieve those rewards and incentives that would be mentioned in the management policies. Another study conducted by experts analyzed a number of different motivational factors in his paper.

It was pointed out that there is a great deal of variations with respect to what motivates an individual and every person is motivated by a different factor. The study suggested that some individuals are motivated by extrinsic factors whereas some may be motivated by intrinsic motivational factors.

In brief his research related to the fact that not everyone can be motivated in the same manner and the fact that an individual is motivated by a certain factor does not guarantee that others would be motivated by the same factor. For example in his statement he suggested that managers require various motivating factors to ensure that they remain committed to their jobs carry out tasks that are best for an organization Lower level employees on the other hand do not require such motivational schemes.


The motivation would then encourage the employees to work harder and better in order to achieve those rewards and incentives that would be mentioned in the management policies. Another study conducted by experts analyzed a number of different motivational factors in his paper.

It was pointed out that there is a great deal of variations with respect to what motivates an individual and every person is motivated by a different factor. The study suggested that some individuals are motivated by extrinsic factors whereas some may be motivated by intrinsic motivational factors.

In brief his research related to the fact that not everyone can be motivated in the same manner and the fact that an individual is motivated by a certain factor does not guarantee that others would be motivated by the same factor.

For example in his statement he suggested that managers require various motivating factors to ensure that they remain committed to their jobs carry out tasks that are best for an organization Lower level employees on the other hand do not require such motivational schemes.

In brief his research related to the fact that not everyone can be motivated in the same manner and the fact that an individual is motivated by a certain factor does not guarantee that others would be motivated by the same factor.

For example in his statement he suggested that managers require various motivating factors to ensure that they remain committed to their jobs carry out tasks that are best for an organization Lower level employees on the other hand do not require such motivational schemes.

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